
TECHNOVISION 1.5X - New classic look made in Germany

Embraced the design philosophy of natural, original and real, Catta
Zoom lenses reproduce the real world on that small yet
comprehensive sensor. The golden focal lengths of
35-80mm/70-135mm enable cinematographers to create
cinematic images without sacrificing time in lens replacing.

The squeeze factor 1.5X offers the best flexible solution
to use digital and scalable sensors from S35 to Full
Format (36 x 24mm) – and from the 50mm on up to the 65/70 scope format.

The anamorphic elements are placed in the front to achieve
the unique anamorphic bokeh. High contrast and deliberate
flares define the lens character.

Technical Specifications

Focal Length T-Stop CFD (Closest Focusing Distance) Weight
0 0 m ft kg lbs
40mm T 2.2 0,66 2'2" 2,8 6,2
50mm T 2.2 0,66 2'2" 3 6,7
75mm T 2.5 1 3'2" 4 8,8
100mm T 2.5 1,05 3'4" 4,2 9,2
135mm T 2.5 1,05 3'4" 5,5 12,2
150mm T 2.5 ~1,05 ~3'4" 5,6 12,3
200mm T 3.2 ~1,05 ~3'4" 5,3 11,7

EVOLUTION 2X – New adaption of a legend

The EVOLUTION 2X are built on the success of the legendary
and nowadays rare frontanamorphic Kowas. The original
set consists of 4 focal lengths (40, 50, 75, 100) and
was extended by a new developed 32mm and 135mm.

The lenses are the smallest, most compact cine anamorphics
on the market today performing magnificently on S35 cameras and from the 75mm on up to Full Format (36 x 24mm).

Soft contrasts, emotional flares and warm color tones
– unique optical performance combined with state-of-the-art mechanics, that’s EVOLUTION 2X.

Technical Specifications

Focal Length T-Stop CFD (Closest Focusing Distance) Weight
0 0 m ft kg lbs
40mm T 2.2 0,66 2'2" 2,8 6,2
50mm T 2.2 0,66 2'2" 3 6,7
75mm T 2.5 1 3'2" 4 8,8
100mm T 2.5 1,05 3'4" 4,2 9,2
135mm T 2.5 1,05 3'4" 5,5 12,2
150mm T 2.5 ~1,05 ~3'4" 5,6 12,3
200mm T 3.2 ~1,05 ~3'4" 5,3 11,7